It's been just over a year since the Living and Ageing Well Action Plan began. The plan was developed and endorsed in consultation with local groups and communities to understand what is needed in our area to live and age well.
Since then we've had plenty of highlights. Here are just a few:
hiring Living and Ageing Well project officers who are dedicated to delivering actions from the Plan.
launching the Ageing Well Network, which aims to bring professionals together to collaborate and collectively respond to and plan for supporting older communities social and health needs
hosting and organising activities with community and the organisation to increase understanding of ageism, its impacts and how to combat it. This includes ageism training through pop up stalls and virtual workshops
including provisions into making open spaces safer, more accessible for passive and active recreation for older people through the Open Spaces Strategy
establishing the Community Reference Group to help ensure the voices and needs of people aged 55+ are represented in Council’s future projects and plans
enhancing Casey’s aged care meals and community transport services
facilitating over 100 low and no cost events as part of the Ageing Positively Festival, to support participation and social connection