On Monday 17 January, EAAA and COTA Tasmania are leading an online consultation with older people to ensure your voices are heard by delegates at the 7th National Elder Abuse Conference.
Conference co-hosts Elder Abuse Action Australia and COTA Tasmania will make your views known to conference delegates because older people are the ones whose rights must be advanced and lives improved by elder abuse prevention policies and services.
To make this happen, we are asking you to join a Zoom forum at 10.30am on Monday 17 January so that we can capture your comments about how Australia can better advance the rights of older people and prevent abuse.
Results of this consultation will also be crucial information for Australian community organisations meeting in Hobart after the conference. Your views will help them develop a high-level call to action on Australia’s next National Plan to Respond to the Abuse of Older Australians.
We'll kick off the consultation with brief comments from our panel:
The Hon. Dr Kay Patterson AO – Conference Ambassador and Australian Age Discrimination Commissioner
Councillor Helen Burnett – Deputy Lord Mayor of Hobart
Dr Rachel Carson – Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Family Studies
Bev Lange – EO Elder Abuse Action Australia
Sue Leitch – CEO COTA Tasmania
You can ask the panel questions as well as tell them your views.
To capture your comments accurately, we will record the Zoom consultation. We may use some of the recording as video, audio or written quotes at the conference and in publications arising from the community sector strategy meeting. For this reason, registering for the consultation will serve as your consent to be recorded and quoted in the ways outlined above.
To register for the consultation, please contact Lyn at lynm@cotatas.org.au.as soon as possible.