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Aged care star rating system labelled 'deceptive' 

The aged care sector's star rating system is "deceptive" and being used as a "political tool", a former federal government compliance officer has told the ABC’s 7.30 programme.

Published: 25 August 2024
  • national
  • 25 August 2024
  • ABC 7.30 Report

The star rating system was introduced by the Albanese government two years ago in response to shocking findings of elder abuse and neglect by the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. It rates nursing homes between 1 and 5 stars.

Aged Care Minister Anika Wells previously said the scheme is designed to open up a transparent conversation and give people better options about choosing a facility they will be happy with.

She recently told 7.30 there's been a 27 per cent increase in the number of 4-5 star rated nursing homes across Australia since December 2022.

However former compliance officer Rodney Jilek, who has 30 years' experience in the sector, has cast doubt over those numbers.

Hagar Cohen reports with Nadine Haynes.