In part it reads:
“With the population of older people in Australia expected to double to around 9 million over the next 25 years, we are committed to acting now to bring about lasting social change.
The National Plan to Respond to the Abuse of older Australians (2019-23) (National Plan) is Australia's key framework for building understanding and awareness of elder abuse and continuing to strengthen service responses and safeguards for vulnerable older people.
In April 2023, the Standing Council of Attorneys-General agreed to develop a successor National Plan to ensure that we continue to build on the important work progressed to date.
Findings from the Australian Institute of Family Studies' (AIFS) evaluation of the current National Plan will also [guide] future action to protect the rights of older Australians and inform the development of the second National Plan. This evaluation is currently underway and due to report to Government by 30 June 2023.”
Read the full statement at the link below.