Older woman looking over shoulder and smiling at young female carer

Carer Wellbeing Survey

The Carer Wellbeing Survey asks people to share their experiences – past and present – of being a carer and the support services they use, including the Australian Government Carer Gateway.

Published: 3 March 2023
  • national
  • 3 March 2023
  • Carers Australia

Participants can choose if they would like to complete a long or short version of the Survey and it is available in English, simplified Chinese, Arabic, Italian and Vietnamese. The survey was designed in collaboration between the University of Canberra, the Department of Social Services, and Carers Australia.

2022 was the second year the Carer Wellbeing Survey was undertaken. If you are interested in the results from the 2022 Carer Wellbeing Survey, read the Full Report.