Many older people relocated to the area in their retirement. They live some distance from family members and will likely face major life transitions such as moving house, loss of a partner, reduced mobility, and changes in their health.
Research shows being connected with others is important for physical and mental wellbeing and that older people are keen to assist others to maintain connection as they age.
The Fleurieu Neighbourhood Network offers peer-to-peer volunteering and support, ageing well activities and events, information, and support to access services, advocacy and representation about issues that matter to older people, as well as social opportunities.
It’s a member-based program, developed by COTA SA and run by and for older people. “Having fun and enjoying life in the region we love” is the group’s mantra, which covers Goolwa, Victor Harbor, Port Elliot, Middleton, Hindmarsh Island, Encounter Bay, McCracken, and Hayborough.