Photo of a grandmother helping a young girl with her homework

“I’m a grandmother, not a child carer!”

Children are leaning on their parents to look after the grandkids. And some aren't happy.

Published: 25 August 2024
  • national
  • 25 August 2024
  • National Seniors

National Seniors Australia research found nearly 27% of grandparents provide regular care to grandchildren or other children under the age of 12.

Two in five grandparents with a grandchild aged under 13 provide some childcare. The proportion providing childcare was higher (63%) if the youngest grandchild was under 10 rather than 10–12 (33%).

However, their feelings towards the task are mixed and can vary widely from joy and a sense of fulfillment to doubt and resentment.

Grandparents provide childcare for a variety of reasons, including supporting parents’ work, connecting with and building relationships with the grandchildren and the family, and being useful in retirement.

A lot of grandparents believe childcare is one of their major contributions to society but many feel unrecognised despite the size of their in-kind economic contribution.