Photo of woman in an electric blue shirt and man in pink shirt

Lineup announced: Cultural Diversity in Ageing Webinar Series 2024-25

The online Cultural Diversity in Ageing Webinar Series 2024-25 aims to engage staff working within the aged care sector in Australia with skills and knowledge to work effectively with culturally and linguistically diverse seniors, their families, carers, and advocates.

Published: 17 August 2024
  • national
  • 17 August 2024
  • Centre For Cultural Diversity in Ageing

It involves a range of topics relevant to culturally inclusive practice and care, and is designed in response to topics requested from staff working in the aged care sector in Australia.

Click the link below to read about and register for webinars of the Cultural Diversity in Ageing Webinar Series 2024-25.

You can also visit the Cultural Diversity in Ageing Interactive Webinar Series 2023-24, 2022-23 Diversity Webinar Series (Jul 2022 - Jun 2023) and 2022 Diversity Webinar Series (January to June 2022) pages for recordings and slides from past presentations.

All webinars can be counted as time spent relating to Continuing Professional Development for nurses to meet the CPD registration standard.