Senior woman smiling looking up to the sky

SBS Program – Insight is looking for Participants.

Insight is working on a discussion about how we talk about sex and consent. As part of the program, they are hoping to speak with older people.

Published: 13 March 2023
  • national
  • 13 March 2023

Sexual consent laws have recently changed in NSW.

Insight is working on a discussion about how we talk about sex and consent. As part of the program, they are hoping to speak with older people – either singles or people in long-term relationships – to hear their thoughts on the topic and how they may differ – or not - from younger people.

The first step is a casual, confidential phone conversation with the producer. This is so they can explain a little more about the show, and also for them to find out about your story. As Insight is a forum-discussion format, in addition to hearing individual stories, they need to make sure there is a reasonable amount of similarity and difference between the various voices in the room in order to facilitate that group discussion.

Once they have spoken with a variety of people they will assess what would work best in the studio together and from there get back in touch with people to arrange details.

If you are interested in talking to Insight contact them directly via email