Photo of man have teeth inspected at a dental clinic

Why seniors need better dental care

As Dental Health Week approaches, National Seniors is renewing calls for a scheme to fix older Australians’ teeth

Published: 11 August 2024
  • national
  • 11 August 2024
  • National Seniors

Australians do not have good oral health, and it seems that cost is a major reason. 

It is estimated that one-third of adults have untreated tooth decay, which can lead to hospitalisation. 

As well as visits to dental professionals, there were close to 78,800 hospitalisations in 2021–22 for dental conditions that might have been prevented with earlier treatment. 

National Seniors Australia has called on the Federal Government to establish a Seniors Dental Benefit Scheme to provide $500 per year to older people in need so they can go to the dentist. 

The scheme would be administered in a similar fashion to the existing Child Dental Benefit Scheme and could be provided as part of a Pensioner Concession Card Plus.