The Australian Government is committed to ensuring that all consumers of aged care can access information and receive aged care services appropriate for their individual characteristics and life experiences.
This action plan sets out what aged care providers can do to deliver more inclusive services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, and intersex (LGBTI) elders. It is one of four key parts of The Aged Care Diversity Framework (the Framework), launched in December 2017.
The 4 key parts are:
Actions to support all diverse older people, an overarching set of actions in recognition of the many commonalities within and between diverse groups.
Actions to support older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Actions to support older people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds
Actions to support older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and gender diverse, and Intersex peoples
This plan can show providers how to deliver more inclusive and culturally appropriate services for consumers. It acknowledges that there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to diversity, and that each provider will be starting from a different place and operating in a different context.
That's why it's designed so that providers can work through three levels of actions – Foundational, Next Steps, and Leading the Way – and decide, in consultation with consumers, their support people, and staff which are most relevant to their organisation,
Delivery of safe and inclusive services to people with diverse needs and life experiences is built into the Aged Care Quality Standards. Diversity is woven through the Standards and underpinned by Standard 1 to value the identity, culture and diversity of each consumer and to deliver culturally safe care and services. The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission will assess aged care providers based on the quality of service experienced by service users (consumers).
There are many benefits for providers in taking action to provide better services to diverse groups. These include opportunities to:
celebrate successes with consumers, their support people and the wider community
engage with new groups of potential consumers
improve the wellbeing and satisfaction of consumers
build new partnerships with the community
increase the vibrancy of the service environment
demonstrate to employees with diverse backgrounds and life experiences that they are valued and engaged within the service