This web page details how older people/ Elders (family and/ or legal representatives) can get help and support at the Aboriginal Advocacy Program.
People seeking our help will have their identity, culture, and diversity valued and supported.
We can:
represent or speak on behalf of the older person
support to assist the older person/Elder to speak up and resolve their concerns
give strategies to assist the older person/ Elder’s to protect themselves if they are at risk of or experiencing Elder abuse from a family, friend, or a person in a trusted relationship.The abuse might be physical, psychological, financial, and sexual or neglect
provide information about the rights, entitlements, and responsibilities accessing aged care services, including mainstream services and/or Aboriginal-specific services
provide information and communicate on issues of concern or cultural barriers that may prevent access to services
We will work to develop a culturally effective communication across the aged care services, access appropriate community or residential aged care services, and support care concerns.
An advocate can provide information to assist to exercise your right to live free from elder abuse and to safeguard your future.