As active contributors with a lifetime of experience, the diverse voices of older South Australians are a valuable resource that can help shape the age friendliness of our state now and into the future. In 2016, the South Australian Government held the first Conversation with Older South Australians, exploring issues such as sense of purpose, contribution to society, relationships, and how the future will look. As part of this process, over 425 older people from across the state engaged in more than 50 separate community conversations to share their views about the future of ageing. A number of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities also participated in conversations as part of the CALD Age Friendly South Australia project.
From the outcomes of these community conversations, five priorities were identified as key enablers to ageing well and have shaped the development of this Strategy. The priorities were used to guide further discussions with local and state government partners, from which three broad themes for action emerged. These themes work towards outcomes across the five priority areas, encouraging partnerships to drive our age friendly work. Age Friendly SA sets the direction for building South Australia’s capacity as an age friendly state; making our state a better place to live for people of all ages.