Elder abuse prevention hub: ECCV

Links to topics on this useful resource page include

  • elder abuse educator training

  • elder abuse literature review

  • elder abuse prevention brochures

  • Within My Walls video series

  • useful contacts

Since 2012, Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria (ECCV) has been delivering community education programs to raise awareness of elder abuse, its prevention, and supports among culturally and linguistically diverse seniors in Victoria.

People from migrant and refugee backgrounds experience multiple and unique forms of disadvantage that place them at greater risk of elder abuse. Research shows the most common forms of elder abuse are psychological abuse, neglect and financial abuse.

ECCV, in partnership with Seniors Rights Victoria, is reaching some of the most vulnerable in our communities to raise awareness and prevent elder abuse. Some of our culturally appropriate programs include:

  • co-designing in-language resources with targeted communities

  • training Bilingual Community Educators to deliver community information sessions

  • strong community outreach and engagement

  • ongoing research and advocacy