If you are an older person who is being harmed by the actions of someone else, such as a family member, friend, neighbour or carer, you may be experiencing elder abuse. Elder abuse is wrong. In some cases it may be a criminal offence. If you are an older person and this is happening, you may be the victim of elder abuse.
It can be difficult to talk about these things if they are happening to you. However, there are many services that can support and help you. Legal Aid WA has a specialist service for older Western Australians experiencing elder abuse, called the Seniors Rights and Advocacy Service. The Seniors Rights and Advocacy Service operates from the Perth office at Legal Aid WA. Advice can be provided by phone, face to face and through community outreach. Lawyers with specialist experience in the laws that affect older Western Australians provide the Seniors Rights and Advocacy Service. There is no cost in receiving advice from a lawyer at the Seniors Rights and Advocacy Service.