Every year we raise awareness about Elder Abuse. 15 June is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) which recognises the mistreatment and inequality of seniors in our communities. WEAAD was officially recognised by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2011
To understand what Elder Abuse is and how community members in NSW can access legal help, we spoke with Sasha Kisrwani, a solicitor with the Elder Abuse Unit at Legal Aid NSW.
Sasha shares with us information about the different types of elder abuse, the various legal issues faced by elderly community members and who the perpetrators might be.
Sasha explains how and when to access legal help and what type of legal help can be provided by the Elder Abuse Unit at Legal Aid NSW.
Sasha says: "it is important to get legal help early; if you know about someone who needs help, you can contact us".
Older people are vulnerable community members and can find it hard to speak out and ask for help. Services such as the Elder Abuse Unit can help provide specialist and holistic support to address the needs of victim-survivors of abuse.
The Elder Abuse Unit is a specialist unit providing support for elderly community members, with a team of lawyers and social workers with experience and knowledge in this area.