Talk to Us First Training

Talk to Us First training is free and available to anyone including:

  • aged care workers,

  • paid and unpaid carers,

  • older people and those who visit them,

  • anyone who has contact with older people

By engaging with this program, aged care workers will have an increased understanding of advocacy services and the significant role aged care advocates play. Importantly, those who complete the training will have a much greater understanding of the rights of older people and the role they have in ensuring older people feel safe, encouraged, and supported to give feedback or make a complaint.

Aged care workers will gain a certificate of completion, demonstrating they are working towards the Aged Care Quality Standard 6: Feedback and complaints.

Download the course information sheet here.

This free online training outlines what aged care advocacy is, alongside a series of videos which portray scenarios encountered by advocates. It encourages people to contact the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) and talk to us first if they have questions about aged care rights or any concerns with age care services..