Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
The AIHW is an independent statutory Australian Government agency with more than 30 years of experience working with health and welfare data.
Our role is to provide meaningful information and statistics for the benefit of the Australian people by:
developing, maintaining and promoting statistical information standards for the health, community services and housing assistance sectors
collecting and managing data on health and welfare issues, including from state, territory and federal government agencies
analysing and releasing a range of health and welfare products (data and reports) to key policy areas, to support better policy and service delivery decisions
enhancing data resources with the addition of new health and welfare data assets to the AIHW’s data holdings to fill data gaps in the health and welfare sectors,
modernising the presentation and availability of national health and welfare products to meet the needs of diverse audiences such as state, territory and federal government agencies, universities, research centres, and non-government organisations.