Canterbury Earlwood Caring Association

Purpose is to work collaboratively with community members and other organisations to develop and provide services and programs which are inclusive of and relevant to all members of the Canterbury community.

Canterbury Earlwood Caring Association Ltd. (CECAL) is a non-profit community organisation which has been providing neighbourhood centre services to the Earlwood community and surrounding suburbs for over 35 years.

CECAL operates from a Canterbury Council owned premises under a lease arrangement and Council supports us by offering a subsidised rent and undertaking regular maintenance of the premises.

However, we’re not a service of Canterbury Council. We receive funding from a variety of funding sources to provide our broad range of community services and programs.

Our Neighborhood Centre and Community Development programs focus on children, youth, seniors and families and we provide referrals and advocacy with and for those in need and partner with others to provide services throughout the Canterbury LGA.