Carers NSW

Our mission is to improve the health, wellbeing, resilience and financial security of carers through advice, information, training, counselling and respite. Provides support to carers of multi-cultural backgrounds.

Carers NSW is the peak non-government organisation for carers in NSW, a part of the National Carer Network and a member of Carers Australia. Carers NSW works with the other state and territory Carer Associations. Our focus is on improving the lives of carers.

Carers NSW works with all carers regardless of their age, location, life-stage or circumstances. This includes those caring for individuals with support needs relating to ageing, disability, health and mental illness.

Carers NSW is a not-for-profit registered charity and company limited by guarantee. It is governed by a Board of Directors in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission Act 2012.

Carers NSW receives funding from a range of sources including the NSW Department of Communities and Justice, NSW Health and the Australian Government Department of Social Services and Department of Health.

The organisation is based in Sydney, with regional offices in Coffs Harbour and Newcastle and provides a range of services to support all carers across NSW.