Court Network
The focus of our Mission is to provide non-legal support, information and appropriate referrals to other services, such as family violence services, victim support, housing, mental health and community legal centres.
Our role is to empower and increase the confidence of court users in managing the requirements of the courts. The focus of our Mission is to provide non-legal support, information and appropriate referrals to other services, such as family violence services, victim support, housing, mental health and community legal centres.
Court Network's service is an important component of accessing justice. People may feel vulnerable or disadvantaged; they may be attending court for the first time; be unfamiliar with court rules and processes; lack knowledge of what is expected of them; feel frightened and unsafe; or be representing themselves in a matter. Some may not feel confident with English as a language, or simply need someone to listen, provide support and assist them in navigating the court system.
Our service philosophy is based in human rights principles that recognise the right of every court user to be treated with dignity and respect.
Court Networkers provide:
Supportfor court/tribunal users which is visible, active, empathetic and discreet. Support provided by Court Networkers:
responds to the diversity of all court users
enhances the dignity of all court users by responding
to them in a non-judgmental and respectful manner
recognises the needs and concerns of court users with particular needs and vulnerabilities
promotes the safety of court users
promotes and respects the decisions made by court users
Informationabout court processes to lessen the trauma of going to court and to empower court users.
Referralto court-based services and to community based agencies and services by using accurate and up to date knowledge of services, provided by Court Network, which may further assist court users.