Elder Abuse Prevention Unit QLD
An elder abuse helpline that provides information, support and referrals for anyone worried that someone they know is at risk of or experiencing elder abuse.
The Elder Abuse Prevention Unit promotes the rights of older people to live free from abuse. It operates Queensland's Elder Abuse Helpline, which is a first port-of-call for support, referrals and information. Anyone can call the helpline on 1300 651 192 or from interstate on (07) 3867 2525.
The helpline provides free assistance to anyone who experiences, witnesses or suspects the abuse of an older person by someone they know and trust. When you call the helpline, you may remain anonymous if you choose. Your call will be confidential and staff will operate with an older person focus, giving you the time to talk things over at your own pace. Although the helpline is not a reporting agency, investigation service and does not undertake case work, we may be able to refer you to agencies who do all of those things.
In addition to operating the Helpline, we also provide free community awareness sessions and education for groups or workplaces wanting to better understand elder abuse, recognise signs and help make it stop.