A not for profit charity that offers a range of services, including NDIS Services and supports to people with a disability or who are frail aged.
EMPOWERability Incorporated (previously known as Hawkesbury Penrith Respite Service – HPRS) was established in April 1993, following considerable lobbying from carers and parents in the Hawkesbury and Penrith Area over many years.
The initial demand was for a residential respite cottage in the Hawkesbury area, however following prolonged consultations with the Department of Community Services, the establishment of a brokerage system of respite service delivery was decided upon and the area to be covered expanded to include both the Hawkesbury and Penrith Local Government Areas.
In early 2013 HPRS commenced employment of Disability Support workers. Prior to which HPRS brokered all care out to external agencies. Since HPRS began the employment of Disability Support Workers we have been sought by external disability services to carry out and manage brokered respite, emergency care and community participation programs.
In March 2014 HPRS launched its new name EAI. The change was inspired by the potential new direction our service will undertake as the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is rolled out and service choice and delivery will become more person centred and tailored to suit individual needs, and thus the range of services we provide will expand greatly.
EAI has received funding from Family & Community Services – Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) through the Home and Community Care Program (HACC) and the Disability Services Program (DSP) to provide flexible planned respite to young people (0 – 64 years). The Commonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS) funds respite care and social support for our clients 65 years and over. EAI was also brokered by external agencies, to provide services.
For direct funded services all our clients had to live at home with a primary carer, be it a parent, family member, friend or partner. Currently all direct funding is for families that live within the communities of Penrith, Hawkesbury and Blue Mountains.