Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria
The peak policy advocacy body for ethnic and multicultural organisations in Victoria. ECCV also delivers capacity building projects to vulnerable Victorians from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALD).
Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria (ECCV) is a member and Victorian representative council of the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Council of Australia (FECCA).
A culturally diverse and harmonious society that is just, fair and inclusive for all Victorians.
We are the voices of multicultural Victoria, strengthening and building our community through advocacy and leadership, empowering people from culturally diverse backgrounds.
ECCV advocates and lobbies all levels of government on behalf of multicultural communities in areas like human rights, access and equity and improving services. As our core business we advocate on any issue that is of concern to our members. We also help build the capacity of new and emerging communities and develop policy on a wide range of issues including undertaking original research often in collaboration with major tertiary institutions.
Our values guide all the activities of our Board, staff, volunteers, all who work with us, and the organisations and communities with which we work.
Respect: We value all people and their diversity
Integrity: We will act in a fair transparent, honest and ethical manner
Equality: We uphold equal opportunity and human rights and reject all forms of racism and xenophobia
Courage: We are proactive, innovative and inspired by new ways of thinking
Compassion: We believe in freedom for all and celebrate cultural diversity as our greatest asset
Empowerment: We strengthen and build capacity in our community through advocacy and leadership