Health Equity Matters
Health Equity Matters (Formerly AFAO) is the national federation for the HIV community response. We provide leadership, coordination and support to Australia’s policy and advocacy response to HIV.
As the peak national organisation for Australia’s community HIV response, Health Equity Matters (formerly AFAO) is recognised both globally and nationally for the leadership, policy expertise, health promotion, coordination and support we provide.
Through advocacy, policy and health promotion, we champion awareness, understanding and proactivity around HIV prevention, education, support and research. Health Equity Matters provides a voice for communities affected by HIV and leads the national conversation on HIV.
In Australia, communities affected by HIV include: gay and bisexual men, transgender and gender diverse people, people with HIV, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, sex workers, people who use illicit drugs, people from or who travel to high prevalence countries, and people in custodial settings.
We advocate for a strong and bold vision to prevent HIV and its impacts, and work with governments, clinicians, researchers and community to achieve that vision.
We contribute internationally to the development of effective policy and program responses to HIV/AIDS at a global level, particularly in the Asia Pacific region.
For more than two decades, Health Equity Matters has implemented initiatives to strengthen civil society responses to HIV in Asia and the Pacific, with Australian Government support. Health Equity Matters is currently funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to deliver a multi-country program across eight countries in the Asia Pacific region: Bhutan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Timor-Leste.