National Debt Helpline
Helps tackle debt problems via free website advice, referrals for financial counselling services, legal services, crisis food and accommodation services, and health services.
National Debt Helpline is a not-for-profit service that helps people tackle their debt problems. We’re not a lender and we don’t ‘sell’ anything or make money from you. Our professional financial counsellors offer a free, independent and confidential service.
We are able to assist you by:
doing a full assessment of your financial situation – including regular income and expendi-ture, assets and liabilities – to help you fully understand your position
providing advice on how to negotiate with your creditors, government agencies or other business providers
negotiating directly with your creditors in certain circumstances
providing advice about what options, rights and responsibilities you may have
referring you to other services you may need, such as legal services, crisis food and ac-commodation services, and health services
We can provide information and advice about:
credit and debt-related matters
the rights of debtors
the pros and cons of bankruptcy
working out a realistic payment plan for debts
how to access other specialist support services, including gambling, family support, personal counselling, legal aid and emergency relief