Northern Territory PHN
Our vision is that people in the Northern Territory enjoy their best health and wellbeing.
Northern Territory Primary Health Network (NT PHN) is a not-for-profit independent organisation funded by the Australia Government to commission services to meet local health needs and priorities.
Primary health care is generally the first contact a person has with Australia’s health system and relates to the treatment of patients who are not admitted to hospital. It is recognised as the most effective way to keep communities and individuals healthy and well.
We identify where there are areas of need, such as a lack of health care services, difficulty in accessing these services, or regions with particularly high health needs, and commission services to address these needs.
We have a strong and established relationship with primary health care providers in the region, in particular general practices, allied health professionals and Aboriginal community-controlled health services, and we collaborate to present new ideas, encourage, and support new ways of working, and embed change.
Out head office is in Darwin, with 3 regional offices in Alice Springs, Katherine, and Nhulunbuy.
We are unique among PHNs in that we are also the NT’s Rural Workforce Agency. As the Rural Workforce Agency NT, we support the recruitment, development, and retention of a professional primary health care workforce across the NT.