Office for Ageing Well SA

Working with older South Australians to age well, safeguard rights, respect values, combat ageism and promote meaningful connections and contributions.

Office for Ageing Well works to fulfil the government’s commitment to supporting South Australians to age well. Through continued consultation with a diverse range of older South Australians and by partnering with government, non-government and community organisations Office for Ageing Well supports older people to remain active and engaged.

Office for Ageing Well, works with and for older South Australians through the:

  • Seniors Card Program

  • Retirement Villages Unit

  • Aged Care Assessment Program

  • State Ageing Plan

  • Community Grants.

Office for Ageing Well has also expanded its existing support function for adult safeguarding through the work of the Adult Safeguarding Unit.

Office for Ageing Well is committed to genuine and effective community engagement. Effective engagement with older people involves actively listening and genuinely responding to what matters to them most. It is open, inclusive and supports a dynamic dialogue between government and the community.

Engagement is not only about giving older people a voice, it is about ensuring older people are valued and respectfully included in the decisions that ultimately affect them. It is about building genuine partnerships with older people to benefit them, the work that we do and the community we live in.