Relationships Australia Tasmania - Elder Relationships Service
The Elder Relationship Service includes both mediation and counselling services to support older people and their families who need help negotiating complex issues related to the older person or caring for an older person.
This service can help older people and their families to:
prevent or resolve family conflict.
have difficult conversations.
plan for the future (including medical, health, financial or living arrangements).
resolve differences in ways that improve their relationships.
make decisions that protect the interests, rights and safety of families.
Attending the Elder Relationship Service is voluntary and confidential, within the limits of the law. Everyone gets the opportunity to express their view with the support of an independent practitioner. The Elder Relationship Service is staffed by trained mediators and counsellors with specific skills in delivering services to people experiencing conflict about ageing-related issues.
Dealing with change and making decisions can be hard for anyone no matter what your stage of life. This is even harder if you need to make decisions about someone who is a part of your family or someone you care for. At Relationships Australia we understand and can assist when people have challenges adjusting to change or making agreements without arguments.