Rural Financial Counselling Service - Northern Queensland

Delivers the Australian and Queensland governments' rural financial counselling service program in the Northern Queensland region.

We offer free, local financial counselling that will help your agribusiness to plan for the future and pull through adversity. Watch our video to see how we help.

RFCSNQ financial counsellors are here to help your rural agribusiness in a wide variety of circumstances:

  • Understanding your finances – Not everyone goes into businesses with an accounting background, a financial counsellor will help you to better understand your finances and introduce you to better ways to manage the financial side of your business.

  • Access government assistance – National, State and Local governments have many programs and grants that are designed to support agribusiness, but they can be hard to find out about or know you are eligible, this is where a financial counsellor can help.

  • Identifying risk – Running a business exposes you to many personal, professional and financial risks. Do have adequate risk management strategies in place and can you mitigate or insure against risks specific to your line of business? We can help.

  • Dealing with debt – If you are starting to have trouble servicing your debts, contact a financial counsellor to work with you and get control of your debt and negotiate or structure a manageable solution before it's too late.

  • Succession planning – Time to step into or out of the family business? Financial counsellors can help your family navigate the many and varied ways to transition the family business to the next generation.

  • Business plans – When was the last time made business plan? If you don’t know where to start or your business has outgrown its original plan a financial counsellor can help you create a new plan for your business.