Transgender Victoria

Leading body for trans and gender diverse advocacy. We work to achieve justice, equity and inclusive service provision for trans and gender diverse people, their partners, families and friends.

Transgender Victoria is the leading body for trans and gender diverse advocacy, training, and resource development in Victoria. We work to achieve justice, equity and inclusive service provision for trans and gender diverse people, their partners, families and friends.

We work with and for the trans and gender diverse community to create positive change in human rights and policy development. We represent the community by challenging discrimination, and assist in the empowerment of trans people, so that they may lead full and meaningful lives.

TGV recognises the right of all members of the trans and gender diverse community to equality in all areas of life, including housing, education, work, health services and legal representation.

What We Do

  • Consultation – Transgender Victoria is led for trans people, by trans people. We use our community driven expertise to consult with researchers, organisations and government committees to deliver better services, outcomes, and legal rights for trans and gender di-verse people.

  • Partnerships – TGV partners with service providers to ensure they are TGD friendly. We also partner with other organisation to provide direct services and support trans- and gender-diverse initiatives. We welcome contact from prospective partners.

  • Awareness – TGV promotes an understanding of TGD issues in the broader community through relationships with LGBTI, independent and mainstream media outlets. TGV liaises regularly with media to voice the TGD community's perspective on range of issues.

  • Referral – TGV refers individuals seeking support on a range of issues (health, law, housing, finance, workplace etc) to relevant services. If you need a referral for trans- or gender-diverse-related services, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

  • Education – TGV provides education on LGBTI and TGD issues for workplaces, service-providers, in government, community and private sectors.

  • Addressing Discrimination – We recognise that TGD people can experience discrimination in a range of areas and at different times in their lives. TGV is experienced in tackling these problems and can provide support, information and referrals for TGD people to assist in navigating difficulties.