Uniting Communities Mediation Service (SA)

Our mediation service can help you work out disputes at an early stage. It’s free to take part in mediation if one of the parties has a low or no income.

The most common disputes we deal with include:

  • neighbourhood disputes involving fences, noise, pets, overhanging trees and behaviour

  • parent and sibling conflict

  • broader disputes involving many people within the local community, such as conflict within small not-for-profit organisations and family feuds.

We offer mediation in a variety of ways:

  • on-site

  • neutral venue mediation

  • ‘shuttle’, where parties don’t have to be in the same space at the same time 

  • teleconference for remote clients

Our mediators are trained and accredited to help you reach a solution.

They are impartial, meaning they don’t take sides, give advice, or pass judgement. 

They will guide you through a structured process, where all parties have a chance to speak and be heard.

They will keep the discussion going smoothly so you and the other party can try to find your own solutions.

It’s free to take part in mediation if one of the parties has a low or no income.

Before you apply for mediation, you should be willing to meet with the other party to resolve the dispute.

All calls to our centre are confidential.